
Celebrity and charity reasearch

David Attenborough:

David Attenborough is an English broadcaster and natural historian. He is best known for writing and presenting, and is a narrator for multiple nature documentries.

World Land Trust charity:

World Land Trust is an international conservation charity that protects the world’s most biologically significant and threatened habitats.

Propoganda Definitions

Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view

The definition that Hucking derives from these common features is that “propaganda is false or misleading information or ideas addressed to a mass audience by parties who thereby gain advantage.

Types of Propoganda

1)Generalities- Over simplify a point or issue generally forgeting the details that are counter to the argument.

2)Card Stacking- Is a completely one sided opinion, and its selective about the information communicated.

3)Name Calling- It uses name calling and insults to undermine the opinions of other people.

4)Bandwagon- Is the conveinient opinion and appeals to the masses because it sounds popular to the easily influenced.

5)Testimonial- Is where it uses a famous or recognisable person for their opinion to make it sound right

6)Transfer- Conbines two things together, it generally conbines the propaganda issue to something good even if it doesnt have anything to do with it.

7)Plain Folks- It uses ‘normal’ people to promote the opinion, it tries to be humble and trust worthy.

Ideas Mind Map 7types of propaganda

issue based: vaccine, masks, school dinners.

interesting: climate change,

news worthy: stock shortages, people storming the capitol building,

funny: bazinga, existing slogans, inside jokers,

creative: Banksy,

thought provoking: college, news

relevant: family, entertainment,


from doing this mind map and generating ideas i have decided to create a propaganda poster around masks. I think I might develop this to include facehuggers from the alien franchise. I think this will attract an audience which ranges from 18+ because the first alien film was in 1979 and the latest was in 2017. and there is a game made based on the franchise with another still being developed.

Propaganda Posters With Explanations

Eastern European Film Posters Research

Illustrated Film Posters Research


After considering lots of different ideas, i decided to make a propaganda poster about face masks but as Facehuggers from Alien to make fun of people who are afraid to wear masks. This will play on the current situation of face masks with the horror of facehuggers from alien. It will have a slight humor to the image with a bit of seriousness in the text.


My propaganda poster will be targeted at young adults to arround late twenties early thirties. My audience wont be defined by gender, and frequent internet users will understand the humour of the image. The audience will relate to the style because i will research the style that will bestattract the people in the age range of my target audience. Possibly the most important thing will be the use of language because if its too formal then the target audience will either not understand it or they will be deterred by it. The fact that the movie its old wont affect the ages but because it is a classic and the fact a Video game was made for it will relate to the target audience.

Audience Collage



what i set out to do

who is your audience

how does it target ur audience

how effective is your outcome

how could it target your audience more effectively

what are the key strengths of the outcome

personal development stuff idk

what i have learned from the task

what will u take into fmp

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