Primary research



Secondary research

Harris exhibition

create a sphere and a square then put the sphere half way through the square click the sphere and hold shift then click the square which will select both objects and go to mesh, click booleans and press difference this will delete the square along with half of the sphere.
click one object hold shift then go to mesh and click on combine then go onto vertex mode by holding right click on the mouse and click
then go around the object and drag the points together to combine the hole shape.
i selected a sphere the went on to
This image shows that using edge loops has a large effect on shapes as the square on the left has kept a relatively similar shape with well placed edge loops and the shape on the left has become a sphere after using the smooth tool as there were no edge loops keeping the shapes structure.
using the edge loops and extrude i changed some faces of the shape by extruding them in and out.
Using either object or face mode i held right mouse and went down to assign new material and changed the colour of the whole object and then some of the individual faces.
To extrude a cylinder you go into face mode and select all the top faces then go to the move tool on the left side of the screen and hold shift and move the face down.
an arial light is a direct light that is focused with a source which can be a sun or a moon
using the arnold tab you can access the lighting options
Image result for bd-1 droid"
BD-1 droid from the game star wars fallen order
Image result for bb8 droid"
BB8 from star wars a force awakens
Image result for droid star wars c3po"
Image result for droid star wars"
Battle Droid
Image result for star wars tie phantom"
Image result for star wars tie phantom"
Image result for star wars tie phantom"
Image result for star wars tie phantom"
Image result for star wars tie phantom blueprint"
Image result for star wars tie phantom"

We were given the task of making a 3D model from 2d references and blueprints with a choice of either a Star Wars droid or ship. For my 3D model I chose to make a ship called a tie phantom.

When making this ship i’ll start with a cylinder…

Lost this work when the file got corrupted.

The most recent images of the model before the file got corrupted.
Tie phantom render

Painting Photoshop

I started by drawing a grid by partially folding the paper. Then i drew a horizon line and using a photo of the original image, i drew the lines of the road and buildings. I then went on to painting and drew part of the pavement and sky before i had to move on to Photoshop.
using the painting i did, i placed the image of my painting on the pavement, used colour overlay and changed the contrast and brightness.
for the road i pasted and image form the internet in and used cut around it so it would fit. I then used colour overlay and brightness and contrast to make it fit in.

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