Capture 4

These were done so that i could get a good idea how the software that was being used worked and how to make illustrations with the different tools the software had.

Capture 3

This eye was made with multiple layers starting with the blue line at the back to the light reflection on the pupil at the front. I used the pen tool to trace around the original image and put each layer together to form the whole image.

Capture 2

Like what i did for the eye, i drew around the apple with the pen tool to make the outline. For the two separate colours i used the pen tool to draw a line directly through the apples outline to separate it into to sections and coloured them differently and made the black outline transparent so that the two colours would meet and make the apple look more 3d.

Capture 1

Comic Book Characters

Image result for comic book charactersImage result for comic book charactersImage result for comic book charactersImage result for comic book charactersImage result for comic book characters

These comic book characters have mostly a red theme but Thor and superman share blue with their theme. Their art style is meant to captivate readers and keep them interested in the comic. Comic book characters are very line orientated and heavily shaded which gives them depth and realism.


Animated Characters

Image result for animated charactersImage result for animated charactersImage result for animated charactersImage result for animated charactersImage result for animated characters

These characters each were drawn with different styles, bright colours and ideas and are meant to entice audiences and keep them interested. They don’t tend to be shaded much if at all or have much depth, making them look more unrealistic and more enticing to younger people.

Characters in illustrator

Image result for characters in illustratorImage result for characters in illustratorImage result for characters in illustratorImage result for characters in illustratorImage result for characters in illustrator

These characters don’t have much depth or realism and tend to keep a simplistic style though they have bright colours and different styles to make them interesting. They do have some shading to make them more 3d.


Character designed in illustrator

WC 2

For my character i used the pen tool to draw around the outline of my sketch to get the basic shape. I then got images off of google images and drew around them using the pen tool to get a better shape. Once i drew around them i filled the shape in which colour and selected the hole shape and grouped them together so that i wouldn’t accidentally separate the different lines.

Capture 5

Once i was done with the body i started with the head and drew around the rest of it before grouping it together and adding colour.

Capture 7

In the end i got an image off of google to draw around for the head to replace the previous one and joined it using pathfinder to the rest of the body.

Capture 8



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