
Brief Summary

I am allowed to design anything i choose that can tell a story or provide meaning to an audience. This audience needs to be specified by me as does the target audience, genre overarching story and any other factor i deem important.

Since i got the brief the three main ideas i had are character design, 3d model or a comic strip.

I decided to use sci fi genre for my comic because i find it interesting and it links with my other projects for this term.

I have decided to do a comic strip as it tells a story better than a 3d model which is also time consuming, and a character design which typically only tells the story of the thought process rather than a proper story.

My target audience is teens to young adults.


The study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.

comic layout refs research

These are different comic book layouts and i might look at using a simular layout as the second and third one because they are a bit more creative and interesting

Dynamite® The Boys Omnibus Vol. 1 Trade Paperback

in this first panel it shows us that its set in washington we know this because we can see the capitol building in the background.

wew can tell its autumn because the leaves are orange

So How Did The Joker Die In The Killing Joke? And The Script Of The Final  Page


images of spaceships internal and external

storyboard pictures

Storyboard/comic plan

Comic Layout

Character design/concept used for comic

Ship concept used in comic, made in 3d to use as reference

Final comic sketched

Final comic

Final comic page 1/6 (finished)
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