


X- Toggle Symetry


In this task I set out to create a character facial design for a game franchise. I used my face as a base and then merged it with a deer skull to make a paranormal creature. My audience is 18 to around 50 as it is for a horror/fantasy type game like the Elder scrolls games and SCP: Containment Breach. Its 18+ because it involves gruesome violence and horror aspects not suitable for people younger that 18 as specified by the PEGI rating. I put around 50 for the cut off point of the target audience as most older people are not as into the gaming scene as younger generations are. My outcome targets the audience because people in the target audience are likely to recognise the deer skull on a humanoid entity as a Wendigo more than people younger or older as they have likely seen it before in other franchises.

There are no bright colours as they are all muted colours to fit the horror aesthetic. If i were to make any changes then i would make the skull and antlers darker to give off a more creepy vibe. I would make it more grotesque and horror than fantasy. I think the key strengths of this image is the deer skull and antlers as they stand out in the image. I think the layout works as it shows the character in a angle where you’d be able to take in the most detail. Throughout this project I have improved my skills in photoshop to make an image at the best of my ability at the time.

Because we have worked remotely I have found it easier to do practical work as my computer and software are better than the facilities at college but I have found it more difficult to do the written work without direct help and being in a college environment helps me focus a bit more than at home as there are less distraction. Moving forward to FMP trying to record my process more and have better time management will help me get a better grade.

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