
file set project for selecting a file

alt left click orbits the scene

scroll wheel zoom in and out

alt scroll wheel pans around

space bar changes view

click on an item and press w for editing

f to focus on selected object

a to focus on hole thing

maya capture

to select more than one edge click the first edge then hold shift and double click the last edge on the line.

hold right click to go through each select option or f9, f10 and f11.

Chess Piece

This was made with a cylinder. I placed the cylinder in line with the image in the background and extruded upwards each time putting the end of the shape in a spot that lined it up with the image. when I got the base of the shape done, I put in edge loops to shape the piece more smoothly and accurately. To make the cross i removed the lines in the centre circle at the top of the shape and placed new lines using the cut tool. I then extruded the shape upwards to the right height and extruded outwards then back in and up again, until it was the right shape and added a couple of edge loops to get the shape a bit more accurate.
Describe the picture in terms of what you can see in it. (Perhaps imagine you are describing it over the phone to someone who doesn’t know much about art) Literally, what can be seen in the image?
Futuristic Tokyo city which is busy. Two abnormal buildings in the the centre which seem to look like they’re made of junk.. The colour is very cooled down with blues besides the lighting in windows which is a high contrasted orange/yellow. Resembles a star wars kind of impression with a Japanese feel and buildings. It seems to be an oil painting and has a high contrast.
Apply the formal elements to the image and decide which are the most prominent.  Put an ‘x’ next to the main attributes below
Line x         Pattern x         Tone x         Form      Space  x    Shape x     Colour
Now that you have found the formal elements – how are they put to use in the image? Again, this is description but on a more refined level.
This image uses many formal elements but the main ones in this image are rhythm due to the fact the image makes us look from the bus up to the building up close then all the other buildings but following the grand outlines ,this brings us on to shape this image contains multiple different shapes all congealed together such as squares in the building and along the windows but this image contains circles sparingly as well such as on the back building , I feel as if this helps bring the image some diversity in the form of the buildings .  This image contains a good use of line , even if its used sparingly it adds a good contrast between objects  in such a dark setting .

From the first two steps, what message do you think the artist is communicating with the elements? (This is your personal interpretation.) Also consider composition, content of the artwork – things absent from the artwork can be important too.
The artist by creating this image has conveyed a sense of class as the eye line in lower down the bottom but you can see all the daunting buildings up above this creates a sense of a class , with our self almost being in the slums . The very modern city has a run down feel with the buss and chunkiness of the street, the city also seems familiar it clearly has taken inspiration from Japanese city’s

What emotion/feelings (if any) does the artwork evoke?

A sense of loneliness and pitied on from the rich. Creates a sense of wonder from the unknown.
Give me your opinion of the artwork. Does it work? Does it interest you? Is it a success, or are there elements which could improve it?
I personally really like the artwork for its futuristic vibes but also keeps in the old time elements of the real city such as the bus and roofing of the Japanese styled houses, it also conveys emotions and communicates to the onlooker very well.
Describe the picture in terms of what you can see in it. (Perhaps imagine you are describing it over the phone to someone who doesn’t know much about art) Literally, what can be seen in the image?

An Overview of a Mediterranean beach on a sunny bright day. On the overlook there is an open view balcony. On the beach there is a building that resembles the bottom part of an unfinished pyramid. In the water there is an island that resembles a volcano. Limited shading due to there being a large open space.

Apply the formal elements to the image and decide which are the most prominent.  Put an ‘x’ next to the main attributes below
Line          Pattern         Tone         Form         Space         Shape         Colour         Rhythm
Now that you have found the formal elements – how are they put to use in the image? Again, this is description but on a more refined level.
The lines used in the image express the flat outline of the building and help show us the vanishing point of the beach.
Pattern is used to show the culture of where the image is located
Tone is represented in the water and sky which splits the colour of blue, and the lighting on the building.
The space is quite bland which stops the image from being over bearing to the eyes, the space also show the distance of the clouds and of the hills.
The colours are quite bland but also show the simplicity of the painting and is show more vibrantly on the pattern under the balcony to draw your eye towards it.
The rhythm is shown through the life in the image, the birds and the animals in the image give a sence of movement, especially the birds as the fly through the air.

From the first two steps, what message do you think the artist is communicating with the elements? (This is your personal interpretation.) Also consider composition, content of the artwork – things absent from the artwork can be important too.
The beauty of a summer holiday by the beach and the creativity of the cultures shown

What emotion/feelings (if any) does the artwork evoke?

The image shows feelings of happiness and a sence of freedom with open space and the birds express an untouchable feeling

Give me your opinion of the artwork. Does it work? Does it interest you? Is it a success, or are there elements which could improve it?
It done a good job expressing the beauty of a summer holiday but if I was to improve it I would and more vibrant colours to draw the audience in.
Describe the picture in terms of what you can see in it. (Perhaps imagine you are describing it over the phone to someone who doesn’t know much about art) Literally, what can be seen in the image?

There are three ships flying in the background.
There are people in the foreground.
The plaza is surrounded by skyscrapers.
There are pillars in the plaza.

Apply the formal elements to the image and decide which are the most prominent.  Put an ‘x’ next to the main attributes below
Line          Pattern         Tone         Form      
  Space         Shape         Colour
Space: Used in this image to grant a large sense of scale.
Pattern: The horizontal line patterns on the buildings aid the rhythm of the image.
Shape: The buildings are very oddly shaped being both rounded and sharp.
Colour: the use of light colours, majority white and light grays, add to the futuristic tone.
Now that you have found the formal elements – how are they put to use in the image? Again, this is description but on a more refined level.
The formal elements of this image are used to create a futuristic art deco aesthetic throughout the city depicted within.

From the first two steps, what message do you think the artist is communicating with the elements? (This is your personal interpretation.) Also consider composition, content of the artwork – things absent from the artwork can be important too.

What emotion/feelings (if any) does the artwork evoke?

Give me your opinion of the artwork. Does it work? Does it interest you? Is it a success, or are there elements which could improve it?
It is well made with light but strong detail.
i put in perspective lines to get a better idea of where buildings would go.

I decided i was going to merge Preston and New York together, and almost make it seem like England took New York or vise versa.

I added a city skyline of New York in the background and cut around it so that it would fit behind the other buildings. 

On the left, I added two different images of buildings from New York and copied and pasted them in.  I then used the distortion tool to rearrange the images to line up with the horizon. Afterwards, I used the cut tool to cut around objects in both the overlaying images and the original photo to add more New York styled objects to the original Preston image.


My final piece compared to my chosen concept artist, (Ralph Mcquarrie) has a similar simple style. However, my piece takes on a more realistic approach (due to the use of photos) than Mcquarrie who used Art Deco. Mcquarrie’s art also is seen with more effort and uniqueness.

Looking at the approaches of other artists helped me build a visual language by helping me understand different styles and forms of concept art.

This piece communicates differently than may work for Simon and mark because with Simon’s work I drew and painted an image and edited it on Photoshop so that it would make the image look like concept art. My work for Mark is different because it is more based on character and world-building and it is made completely from scratch with only images as reference. My work for Chris is different because it is just taking different images and merging them together to make it look like a different culture than the original image.


Modernist architecture began in the twentieth century. Buildings and houses before that time were regarded as decoration more than functional and were built with artistry in mind, whereas now buildings are made more with functionality in mind and are more simple in their design.

The principles of modern architecture are that they are to be made almost symmetrical and use reinforced concrete or steel so that they are more stable and have an emphasis on horizontal and vertical lines.

The Barcelona Pavilion was instrumental in defining the approach to modernist architecture as it became well known for its simple form and use of materials like marble. The Villa Savoye was also important for modernist architectures history because of its very minimalist design and is a representative of modern architecture origins.

At the time the Barcelona Pavilion was received little attention when it was first built. The Villa Savoye was originally built as a country retreat before being bought by a neighbouring school and then became the property of the French state and received many proposals to demolish it.

I have no criticism for the modernist principles nor do I think they are appropriate or not due to my lack of knowledge in architecture.

Le Corbusier’s reasons for creating the tower blocks were because he believed that they were the solution to rehousing masses that had lost their homes due to bombing in the second world war. he also believed that high rise buildings could be used to create spacious city homes and still have the same amenities as a typical street.

The effect a tower block has on a community is that it keeps people from being as social as they are locked in small one floor rooms. Another effect is that most people who live in tower blocks hate it, especially if they have children as there is not much room for anything and many would prefer a proper home, homes of which were demolished for these high rise buildings due to the belief that they were a better form of living.

The definition of brutalist architecture is a building with a massive ‘monolithic and blocky’ appearance and ridged geometric styles with large-scale use of concrete. The Preston bus station fits this definition with its large-scale appearance and large use of concrete and its geometric shapes.

When people and architects state that they think the bus station is beautiful their point of view influences their thoughts depending on their view of brutalism and how they interpret it.

My opinion on the design of the Preston bus station is that it is a simple and strange design with a basic shape to it. My opinion on its success is that for the time it was built I think it is right to be a success but for it to be built now it likely wouldn’t.

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